My name is Elizabeth Jernigan and welcome to my "About Me" section of my portfolio! I was born and raised in North Carolina. I grew up loving classic beautifully animated Disney movies and was often found drawing my favorite characters over and over again. When deciding what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, animation was an obvious choice. I have been studying my undergraduate in animation and interactive design at East Carolina University and have loved every second of it! My true passion is character design, as you can see with my work on my character "Agape" I love to take my time with my characters and try multiple different designs. I don't rush my character designs and use my full time to flesh out their designs. 
After my graduation in December 2024, I plan to apply to graduate school and get my masters in either Illustration or Sequential Art. In the meantime I will be working with Brea Todd of Winks Design Studio as an intern and teaching Pre Production for Movies, TV Shows, and Video Games with the town of Wake Forest in 2025. 
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